• Courtroom Clash: Inside The High-Stakes World Of mRNA Patent Litigation

    Here, Shores provides the “who’s who” and “what’s what” behind some of the hottest legal cases to hit the headlines in the mRNA space to-date, as well as why these cases are or could be significant to companies commercializing mRNA products in the future.

  • IP Considerations For Early-Stage mRNA Therapeutics Development

    Fortunately, navigating the patent landscape is hardly a “doomsday” scenario. But it is a challenge biotechs need to tackle early so they don’t end up too far down the path toward the clinic or in the clinic mired with delays and expensive litigation. Here, Rothwell Figg partner Dan Shores shares several strategies companies may choose to employ when facing a legal gray area to protect their products from patent litigation upon commercialization.

  • A Primer On The RNA Patent Landscape

    In the first- of this three-part article, Shores gives us an important primer on the RNA legal landscape as it stands today. As many of us are working on crafting the next generation of mRNA/RNA products and LNPs, I wanted to get his sense of how our continued scientific advancement is likely to impact the IP landscape in the long-term.

  • Tune Therapeutics' 2025 Epigenome Editing Outlook

    Chief Scientific Officer Derek Jantz talks about recent key innovations in gene therapy and RNA technology while considering what milestones we might see in 2025.

  • Top 5 mRNA/RNA Advancements of 2024 (Part 2)

    As I took stock of the year behind us, there were five overarching ways in which I saw our industry taking steps forward and finding itself on sturdier scientific and clinical footing. Here, in the second of this two-part article, I continue down this list with my last three takeaways.

  • "The Ghost Of mRNA's Future": 2025 Outlook From RNA Leaders

    As the Charles Dickens fans among us already know, there is still one pretty important “ghost” that has yet to be channeled on this “hallowed” page, and that’s the “Ghost of mRNA/RNA Innovations Yet To Come.” (Yes. That’s a thing.) Here, I share several future-facing “visions” from the conversations I had with five RNA leaders.


From research and clinical studies to full-scale production, revolutionize your lipid nanoparticle (LNP) production with flexible and scalable solutions.

As the RNA-LNP space continues to diversify beyond linear mRNA and infectious disease vaccines, Kate Zhang of Hopewell Therapeutics, Sumit Luthra of Sanofi, and Ben Muir of BioNTech each address several misconceptions about LNP composition today and how the rise of novel RNA modalities, more advanced mechanisms of action, and novel lipids are challenging our understanding of/work with LNPs today.

Gain valuable insights into key considerations when selecting lipid excipients for LNP formulations and the process development steps necessary to advance them to GMP manufacturing and clinical trials.

Discover key strategies for overcoming challenges in the industrial-scale production of ionizable and PEG lipids to optimize mRNA vaccine formulation and address critical manufacturing requirements.