Metaphorical mRNA: An Argument For (More) Creativity In RNA Therapeutics
In putting together my mRNA outlook presentation for November's 2022 AGC CDMO Summit, I realized there is one opportunity that should be top of mind for the RNA therapeutics industry in the years to come. We all, regardless of our functional area in the industry (i.e., manufacturing, quality, R&D, commercial), need to figure out how we can make this important science more accessible to populations around the world.
Defining The RNA Therapeutics Industry In 2023
Four executives outline which industry challenges, strategic considerations, and opportunities should be top of mind as RNA therapeutics companies establish their to-do lists for 2023.
Overcoming CGT Potency Assay Woes: 4 Best Practices
Here, I share a few of the actionable takeaways I walked away with from the ARM/ASGCT potency assay working session in the hopes they will be a complementary exploration of the analytical challenge impacting every ATMP company.
CGT Potency Assays: When Will We Wake Up From The Nightmare?
Here, I offer my biggest takeaways from a recent ARM/ASGCT workshop on one of the most popular topics to gossip about both in and outside the analytical labs: Potency assays. In part one of this two-part article, I start by unpacking what I see as the most prominent knowledge gaps and questions underpinning the industry’s potency assay challenge.
mRNA & RNA Therapeutics In 2023: Where Do We Go From Here?
To figure out what the future holds for companies in the RNA sector of the ATMP space, I sat down with four executives to discuss their wildest hopes, dreams, and expectations. As you’ll note, there is no shortage of work facing the RNA therapeutics industry in the year(s) ahead. But there’s also a lot for which we can hope.
A (More) Mature mRNA Therapeutics Industry: 4 Best Practices To Get There
Throughout the two-day mRNA Therapeutics Summit, there were four key takeaways that clearly demonstrated how the mRNA industry could incrementally achieve one speaker's industry prediction that, within the next 10 years, every person in the world will have had the opportunity to benefit from mRNA.
Equitable mRNA Therapies Demands Multi-Faceted Understanding Of Access & Innovation
This article is the final installment in a four-part series unpacking several of the best practices shared during the mRNA Therapeutics Summit, which took place in Boston on July 27 & 28, 2022.
mRNA Delivery Is More Than Just The Vehicle: Think Outside — & Inside — The LNP
This article is part three of a four-part series unpacking my biggest takeaways from the mRNA Therapeutics Summit, which took place in Boston on July 27 & 28, 2022.
To Advance An mRNA “Platform,” Forget Traditional Operational Structures
This article is **part** **two** of a four-part series unpacking several best practices I gleaned from the mRNA Therapeutics Summit, which took place in Boston on July 27 & 28, 2022.
Don't Get Uppity: Match mRNA Science To Your Capabilities — And Vice Versa
This article is part one of a four-part series unpacking four of my biggest takeaways from the mRNA Therapeutics Summit, which took place in Boston on July 27 & 28, 2022.