| Join GeneVentiv Therapeutics CEO, Damon R. Race hosted by ReciBioPharm for our upcoming Passport to Biologics event on May 3rd, 9am-3pm EST at the Boston Marriott Cambridge, and discover how you can achieve success on your ATMP journey. Take part in discussions on advances in mRNA manufacturing, viral vs. non-viral delivery platforms, and how AI in continuous manufacturing will lead to improved production. Click here to RSVP for the free event! |
Regulatory and technical uncertainty surrounding mRNA necessitates predictive and proactive innovation enabling better manufacturability assessments, more robust in vitro transcription techniques, and improved downstream processing. |
In this excerpt from Advancing RNA Live's Got Raw Materials? The State Of The mRNA Supply Chain, our featured guests share how they and their teams align around the definition of “phase-appropriate.” |
By G. Gellermann, et. al, Novartis Technical R&D | Analytical challenges morph phase-by-phase during drug development. Three Novartis scientists describe a platform approach based on guidance from the ICH and USP. |
| Advancing RNA discusses the broad learnings therapeutics developers can (or can’t) adapt from previously approved mRNA vaccine products, and what an “ideal” RNA therapeutics regulatory paradigm could look like in the long term. Reserve your spot today for this May 2nd digital event. Registration is free thanks to the support of Roche CustomBiotech. |
| Lipid Nanoparticle Compositional Analysis By UHPLC-CAD | Application Note | MilliporeSigma | Explore results generated from an internal study using a proprietary mRNA-LNP formulation and UHPLC-CAD, a powerful technique for the analysis of compounds that do not contain chromophores. |