By Tyler Menichiello, contributing editor | Leading experts in gene therapy discuss CMC strategy for platform technologies, product lifecycle management, and the role CDMOs play in moving the space forward. |
By Cell & Gene Live | This segment features a discussion around the obstacles to establishing a standardized production pipeline for mRNA therapeutics across the industry as well as some the approaches being considered to standardize cold chain management protocols for mRNA products. |
By BioPhorum | This article promotes alignment on a common phase-appropriate approach to analytical assay validation with respect to the critical quality attributes of the most common cell/gene therapy modalities. |
| Optimizing mRNA For Success | Article | By Conner Feldman, MilliporeSigma | RNA offers exciting potential for vaccines, gene therapies, and personalized medicine, but challenges related to stability, delivery, and manufacturing persist. |
| How mRNA Manufacturers Disrupt The Industry | Webinar | Sartorius | Learn how biopharmaceutical companies can apply proven strategies to overcome hidden complexities in mRNA production, and discover solutions that can help you rapidly design and build a SU facility. |
| Addressing The Challenge Of Poor Aqueous Solubility | Article | Nanoform | As pharma companies aim to overcome development obstacles, it is important to incorporate GMP expertise alongside novel technologies that can enhance the properties of APIs and dosage forms. |
| Unlocking The Potential Of mRNA Vaccines | Webinar | MilliporeSigma | This webinar highlights the potential of mRNA therapies and focuses on the manufacturing process associated challenges, solutions and perspectives from synthesis to delivery. |
| Methods For mRNA Poly(A) Sizing | Poster | By Lauren Hinkel, Ryan Williams, Calleigh Herren, and Theresa Legan, Vernal Biosciences | This study used Oxford Nanopore Technologies' Direct RNA Sequencing Kit and obtained successful sizing of poly(A) tail regions. The results are presented in a histogram and table format. |