Newsletter | May 8, 2024

05.08.24 -- "Holy mRNA Deliverability, Batman!" Next-Gen Delivery Considerations


Designing a Plasmid DNA Downstream Purification Process

Discover in our technical article the Downstream Purification in the Plasmid DNA (pDNA) Manufacturing Process. Plasmid DNA (pDNA) is an essential component of, and key technology for production of viral vector, mRNA, and vaccine therapies. The far-reaching potential of novel therapeutic modalities and vaccines that rely on pDNA is driving increased demand and the need for improved production strategies – Read Now!


“Holy Deliverability, Batman!”: Next-Gen “Heroism” For The mRNA-[X] Space

In the first- of this two-part article, Koeris and I ford through some of the most prominent delivery-vehicle development pain-points that don’t get nearly as much conversation as they should today. 

Why mRNA Supply Chain Conversations Should NOT Overlook This Key Aspect

When asked which specific topic they’d like to see discussed more regularly in the future as it relates to our supply chains, Featured speakers for the "Got Raw Materials? The State Of The mRNA Supply Chain" event were aligned around this one absolutely critical topic...

When Does GMP Matter In Non-GMP Settings?

Would you ever need to follow GMP standards in workspaces where GMP is not required or possible? This article digs into why, when, and how to follow the principles of GMP.

Michelangelo Meets mRNA | ARW On RNA Ep04

Hosted by Advancing RNA's own Anna Rose Welch, ARW on RNA puts a creative spin on the emerging mRNA + RNA therapeutics industry. Here, in Episode 4, Welch explores the parallels that exist between the oft-overlooked history of Michelangelo's David and the mRNA therapeutics sector's own R&D history, as well as where the mRNA space hopes to move in the future.


Drug Discovery And Screening, A Digital Era For RNA-LNP Therapeutics

Learn about the key stages of drug discovery and screening as well as how to overcome bottlenecks in screening mRNA-LNPs to rapidly develop genomic medicines.

Utilizing Nanoparticle Technologies For A More Sustainable Value Chain

The pharma industry is identifying ways to make processes more sustainable. Learn how nanoparticle engineering technology can both empower sustainability goals and lead to better patient outcomes.

Advancing An LNP Formulation To Clinical And Commercial Manufacturing

Lipid selection impacts the final LNP drug product and the LNP process. Review critical quality considerations for lipids and the process requirements for successful commercial-scale manufacturing.

Mitigating Financial Risk Before Selecting An Outsourcing Vendor

Gain insight from several clinical operations experts into the significance of meticulous contract examination when choosing an outsourcing partner.


The Future of Biotechnology in Individualized Medicine conference will explore the ongoing evolution of genomics from a tool for diagnostic breakthroughs to a driver of revolutionary therapeutics. Organized jointly by the Scripps Research Translational Institute, Actio Biosciences, and Advancing Precision Medicine, attendees will hear from renowned leaders from across academia and industry speak on the most recent innovation and trends in genomic medicine. View the full agenda and register here.